How will the families cope with their losses?

Winifred stayed mostly in bed. Now that Clara had moved out, Constance had to take over the cooking and care of the house. When her brothers had been home, this took up much of her time and left little time for leisurely activities or socializing. For the first time in her life, Constance was alone. She had her mother, but she barely spoke and Constance would serve her meals in bed. Having five siblings, Constance was unused to the silent house. She now had time to herself.

Constance began spending more time away from home. She would visit Clara and play with little Holly. She would go to the library or the park. It was just so sad to be at home with the constant reminders of her brothers.


One day an older man approached her. His name was Cayden. Constance had not had much attention from men. She was a quiet girl and often stayed at home.

Cayden offered to teach Constance how to play chess. She agreed and they would meet often to play.

Cayden charms Constance. Constance was feeling all alone in the world and she enjoyed the attention from Cayden. After a short courtship, Cayden convinces Constance to marry him. It is not the dream wedding that she had imagined. Cayden was a widower with a grown son. He had previously had a big wedding and did not want all the fuss the second time around. Constance agreed to a small wedding. After all, it was just one day. The marriage was what was important and saving money for the family she dreamed of having, she told herself.

Cayden had little money. He blamed it on his first wife’s frivolous spending and sending his son to fancy schools. He left out his poor working habits and his gambling.

They lived in Constance’s small house with her mother. “She needs looking after.”Cayden told her as if they had other options.

Constance is not the only one to meet a man. Josephina wastes no time and soon begins dating. She needs a break from parenting. She has two rambunctious boys to look after. She deserves a break and a little fun. She told Calvin not to go to war and leave her alone, but he didn’t listen to her. Just because he died, doesn’t mean her life is over. She’s young. Her life has just begun.

Luckily, her mother is willing to look after the boys.

Ruby and Margaret

Josephina is not the only one left with two young children. Ruby gave birth to a daughter, Margaret. Margaret will never get to know her father. Ruby gives Margaret her last name and gives the impression that Margaret is not Judas’s daughter. It is quite the scandal, but she must put Margaret’s safety first.


Ruby knows that she will never again meet another man like Judas. He was different, misunderstood, but he was a good, loving man.

When the war ended, the men took back their jobs, leaving the women without work. Rose didn’t mind losing her job. She had always pictured being a housewife and mother. Ruby like earning her own paycheck and was not as domestic as her twin. She, also, knew that one of them had to work. They had no man to support them. Ruby put aside her pride and practically begged to keep her job. She was allowed to work, but was demoted to a lower paying position. Still, she worked hard, hoping to be promoted in time. At least it would keep a roof over their heads and the children fed.


Ruby was heartbroken. She had loved Jack since she was a child. She thought about all the things they would never get to do. They would never get to finish decorating their home. She had given birth to his son, Jack IV while he was away. She would have to raise him alone.


Holly will have her dad to help raise her. She was a newborn when he left for war. She was three when he returned. She has to get used to sharing her mother with her father.

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