Paulo had less interest in Megan after Judy became his new wife. Megan was relieved as it gave her a bit more freedom. She had given Paulo little to worry about as she had been a dutiful wife, mostly keeping her thoughts and feelings to herself.

One day her mother offered to spend time with the children so that Megan could run some errands. It was a rare offer and Megan took advantage of it.

She decided to go to the park that she had gone to before she had been sent away and forced to marry. She heard someone call her name and to her surprise there stood Aaron. She almost didn’t recognize him without his mohawk.

“I never thought I would see you again,” Aaron told her. “I went to the park for months, but you were never there. I almost thought you were just a dream.”

“I wanted to come back,” she said. Then she told him the whole story. She had been holding her feelings in for so long, it was a relief to let them out.

Aaron was speechless. This was the last thing he imagined happening to Megan. Megan told him she had to get back. They made plans to meet again in a weeks time.

Megan could not stop thinking about Aaron. She couldn’t believe she ran into him, but what did it matter? She was trapped and did not see a way out.

Megan made up an excuse to why she needed to leave the house and went to the park.

“I have been doing a lot of thinking about what you told me,” Aaron said. “If you want to leave you can stay with me.”

Megan was stunned. Aaron hadn’t seen her for years. She had just disappeared for years leaving him not knowing what happened to her. He didn’t know her that well and he was offering to help her. Her own mother hadn’t helped her.

Aaron told her he would be up the street at midnight a week from tonight if she decided to leave if not he would still be there for her as a friend.

Megan thought about his offer all week. She thought about the life Mollie would have growing up in this household. Mollie would be forced to marry a man, to cook and clean, and dote on her husband. She would not be able to go to school, make outside friends. She wanted better for Orion, too.

While Paulo and Judy were sleeping, Megan gently woke up Orion.

“Orion,” she whispered,”Get up. It’s time to go.”

“Go where?” he asked sleepily.

“It’s time to get up.”

“I’m tired.” Megan pulled him up gently. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Orion, we have to go now,” Megan pleaded.

“No,” he said firmly growing louder,”Is dad going?”

“Not now. We have to go.”

“I’m staying with Dad. Does Dad know you’re leaving? I’m getting Dad.” Orion started to get up.

“Orion, no, okay, go back to sleep,” Megan told him. She couldn’t let him wake up Paulo. Orion laid back down and closed his eyes.

Megan picked up Mollie and fled.

William was Finley’s pride and joy. He was groomed to take over as leader of The Sims Of The Light. He was rarely disciplined and allowed to do whatever he liked. He terrorized his siblings, talked back and ordered the adults around. He would only listen to Finley and Finley gave him free reign.

As William grew, Finley guided him and gave him more responsibilities to take over. William couldn’t wait.

William had noticed a few girls that he was interested in. He, also, noticed them looking at the other teen-aged boys. He saw some of the boys flirting with the girls and the girls giving their attention to them and not William.

One particular girl, Gina, was always hanging around Orion. Gina was one of the girls William was interested in. He didn’t know what Orion thought about her, but he didn’t like attention averted from him.

He invited Orion over and told him it was time for him to move on. He had received a vision. He could move away and spread the word about The Sims Of The Light, get more members. He needed to go far and he needed to go now.

Orion was stunned. He had been a faithful member, even choosing to stay and not go with his mother. He hadn’t seen her since that day. He had done as he was told and now he was being kicked out. Would his father change William’s mind?

“You have until tomorrow night to leave,” William informed him.

Baylee had heard the conversation while cooking dinner. Orion was being banished! She like Orion and had love her big sister, Megan. Baylee had seen Megan shortly after she left. She had been watching, waiting for a moment to catch Baylee alone and give her a number to contact her if she decided to leave.

Bailee had been too afraid and she didn’t want to leave her mother. She had to help Orion. She sneaked away and found a pay phone. Megan agreed to come and get Bailee and Orion if he would come.

Megan had been waiting for this day for the past five years. She had replayed that night in her mind over and over again. She beat herself up about leaving him behind, but at the moment she felt she had little choice. Mollie was thriving, but Orion was being tossed out.

Baylee had met with Orion and told him that his mother would be there to pick him up if he wanted. Orion felt he had little choice. He felt a little excitement to see his mother again and a little anger that she had left them, but he had devoted himself and look how he had been treated. He agreed to go and Bailee and Orion packed a bag and crept out of their houses while their families slept.

Megan drove them to her home. She knew it would take time, but she was confident that she could rebuild a relationship with her son, that with Aaron’s help, she could show him different way of life.

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